

Raghav Bajaj

Wellness Director

Medivan wellness


"Let's join forces to propel the wellness industry to the next trillion-dollar milestone. With my 7+ years of experience leading multiple wellness centers and directing a NABH accredited hospital, alongside your expertise, we can revolutionize holistic health on a global scale." #wellness

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Looking for Looking for


Skills & expertise


With 7+ years leading 3 wellness centres and directing a NABH accrediated hospital in gurugam . ipossess deep ayuyrvedic knowlegde and industry expertise.skilles in holistic health practices .


Wellness Director
Medivan wellness

With 7+ years leading 3 wellness centers and directing a NABH accredited hospital in Gurugram, I possess deep Ayurvedic knowledge and industry expertise. Skilled in holistic health practices, I'm adept at providing comprehensive wellness solutions.