Michael (Vinny) Thanh


Solutions Engineer


Denver, US

Software Engineer, Sales Engineer Current project: The Static Void Academy (https://www.staticvoid.dev/) Looking for: collaborators, mentors, or people to bounce ideas off of. Please reach out! Would love to connect. #developer

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Looking for Looking for


Learning & Exploring


Looking to learn about product management, product design, and growth (marketing, email list building, advertising, social media engagement).

Skills & expertise


  • Software Engineering
    • Python
    • Java
    • Node.js
    • CI/CD & Automation
  • Multimedia Production
    • ​​​​​​​Premiere
    • Photoshop
    • Illustrator
    • InDesign
    • Ableton Live

People Skills, EQ

Strong verbal presentation and written communication Cross-domain knowledge between sales, engineering, UX research, and design

I Care About


Higher education, public transportation, poverty