

Nabanita Dash

Data Scientist intern

PredictivEye Inc.

Bhubaneswar, India, IN

I want to enhance my skills as well as help others enhance theirs. Its time to give back to community.

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Looking for Looking for



Learning & Exploring

Programming languages, researching, SEO

Skills & expertise


C++/C, Python, Tensorflow, Pytorch, Keras, Linux, Git, Shell Scripting, Docker (​ Advanced​ ) Java, Ruby, Julia, Bash, Statistics, Linear Algebra, SQL, Tableau, ARIMA, BigQuery

People Skills, EQ

- ​ Google Code-In​ mentor at Julia, 2019 - ​ Head​ of Programming Society, IIIT, BBS, India - ​Chair of ​ ACM Student Chapter, Bhubaneswar - ​Campus Lead at ​ Campustry - Member of WomenTechmakers, India - Volunteered at ​Kaggle Days and PyJaipur

I Care About

I want to enhance my skills as well as help others enhance theirs. Its time to give back to community.